Magic Kingdom Medallion (Part 1)

This project just happened all of a sudden and I just rolled with it. I have a lot of respect for the Disney franchise and always enjoy everything they do as far as movies, theme parks, business, etc. The medallion was an original gold symbol on a Disney photo album that my wife and I got at one of the parks. I decided to use that symbol as the inspiration, but change the colors to various shades of blue. The blue castle is an iconic color scheme, so I thought it fit well for this quick project. 

It's fun trying to make the objects pop off the page with the light source. The smaller the piece, the more challenging it is to use the pointillism technique, but I enjoy the detail that each dot can bring. It makes each dot that much more important than it would be with a much larger piece (see the Sea Turtle below). With the castle portion completed, now to work on the rest if the medallion.
